Vizion Plus прямий ефір

Телеканал:Vizion Plus

Країна: Албанія

Категорія: Громадські

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Vizion Plus дивитися трансляцію в прямому ефірі

Vizion Plus is a national, National Digital Terrestrial Television with AMA decision. Vizion Plus is established on 1999, starting as a local media and a few years later broadcasting allover Albanian Territory, covering about 80 % of audience and with a market share on 30 - 35 %. Rated among the most preferred televisions by Albanians, domestically and abroad. Vizion Plus Operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week through a network located throughout Albania. A professional staff with field experience in broadcasting, provides a high level of communication with audiences.


  • Televizioni i pare privat ne Shqiperi. Shijak Televizion u themelua ne qytetin e Shijakut ku dhe mori emrin.Tani studiot e SHTV ndodhen ne Tirane tek kryqezimi i 21 Dhjetorit

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  • IN TV is an Albanian television network dedicated to the young audience. It was launched on June 16, 2014 as MAD Albania, a music channel. MAD Albania won the prize of "The

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  • Cilesia e edicioneve tona te lajmeve eshte nder me te lartat ne vend. Prioritet eshte ruajtja e standarteve te larta profesionale teksa teleshikuesi njihet me te gjitha zhvillimet

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